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Monday, 3 May 2010

World's worst wizard101 sig- Made by yours truly (opinion on test realm!)

I was experimenting on gimp and look at the nasty piece of work:
I dont really like it ><
well just gotta do!

My opinion on the test realm
Well the test realm is not as good as i thought it would be cause it is continuing to lag on me and the fact that my level is wrong on the test realm. i am currently level 42 on the live realm  while on test it is shown that i am level 39. the hatchery i find really fun even though i haven't made a pet yet cause the price just to do it! I have been told that the price is around 80,000 gold!  I do not know if it is true or false


  1. It's good, don't be down on yourself.

  2. Exactly what Autumn said...

  3. I like your siggy! It's very nice. :)
    And it is true, hatching costs 80,000 gold.
